W. Ji, B. Yuan, C. Shen, A. Regev, C. Sander, S. Deng, Inference of cell dynamics on perturbation data using adjoint sensitivity, arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.06467. (Link)
- B.C. Koenig, P. Zhao, S. Deng, Comprehensive thermal-kinetic uncertainty quantification of lithium-ion battery thermal runaway via bayesian chemical reaction neural networks, Chemical Engineering Journal 507 (2025) 160402. (Link)
- B. Cha*, A. Wang*, S. Kim*, J.-P. Hickey, S. Deng, J. Z. Wen, Microstructural thermal zones in reaction of nanoenergetics, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 16 66099-66107 (2024). *Equal contribution (Link)
- S. Kim, S. Deng, Learning reaction-transport coupling from thermal waves, Nature Communications 15 9930 (2024). (Link)
- L. Wang*, R. Deng*, R. Zhang, Y. Luo, S. Deng, 3-D full-field reconstruction of chemically reacting flow towards high-dimension conditions through machine learning, Chemical Engineering Journal 499 (2024) 156435. *Equal contribution (Link)
- B.C. Koenig*, S. Kim*, S. Deng, KAN-ODEs: Kolmogorov-Arnold network ordinary differential equations for learning dynamical systems and hidden physics, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 432 (2024) 117397. *Equal contribution (Link)
- H. Chen, Q. Li, S. Deng, Fast QoI-oriented Bayesian experimental design with unified neural response surfaces for kinetic uncertainty reduction, Energy & Fuels 2024 Energy and Fuels Rising Stars, Energy and Fuels 38 (2024) 15630-15641. (Link)
- G. Tsai*, S. Kim*, S. Deng, Thermal interaction of inert additives in energetic materials, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 40 (2024) 105459. *Equal contribution (Link)
- B.C. Koenig, H. Chen, Q. Li, P. Zhao, S. Deng, Uncertain lithium-ion cathode kinetic decomposition modeling via Bayesian chemical reaction neural networks, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 40 (2024) 105243. (Link)
- A. Nicolle, S. Deng, M. Ihme, N. Kuzhagaliyeva, E. A. Ibrahim, A. Farooq, Mixtures recomposition by neural nets: A multidisciplinary overview, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 64 (2024) 597-620. (Link)
- M. Bhat*, S. Luo*, J. Zhang, C. Zhang, B. Zhou, S. Deng, Multi-component precursor droplet evaporation in spray synthesis of cathode materials, Chemical Engineering Journal 479 (2024) 147417. *Equal contribution (Link)
- E. Lin, C. T. Wilson, A. Leroy, S. Deng, Significant catalyst savings and reaction kinetics enhancement for catalytic micro-combustors via non-uniform catalyst segmentation, Chemical Engineering Journal 476 (2023) 146627. (Link)
- B.C. Koenig, S. Deng, Multi-target active subspaces generated using a neural network for computationally efficient turbulent combustion kinetic uncertainty quantification in the flamelet regime, Combustion and Flame 258 (2023) 113015. (Link)
- B.C. Koenig, P. Zhao, S. Deng, Accommodating physical reaction schemes in DSC cathode thermal stability analysis using chemical reaction neural networks, Journal of Power Sources 581 (2023) 233443. (Link)
- S. Kim, S. Deng, Inference of chemical kinetics and thermodynamic properties from constant-volume combustion of energetic materials, Chemical Engineering Journal 469 (2023) 143779. (Link)
- X. Su, W. Ji, J. An, Z. Ren, S. Deng, C.K. Law, Kinetics parameter optimization of hydrocarbon fuels via neural ordinary differential equations, Combustion and Flame 251 (2023) 112732. (Link)
- Q. Li, H. Chen, B. C. Koenig, S. Deng, Bayesian chemical reaction neural network for autonomous kinetic uncertainty quantification, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25 (2023) 3707-3717. (Link)
- X. Hu, D. Zuo, S. Cheng, S. Chen, Y. Liu, W. Bao, S. Deng, S. J. Harris, J. Wan, Ultrafast materials synthesis and manufacturing techniques for emerging energy and environmental applications, Chemical Society Reviews 52 (2023) 1103-1128. (Link)
- J. Zhang, V.L. Muldoon, S. Deng, Effects of the preheating temperature on flame-assisted spray pyrolysis of nickel-rich cathode materials, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (2023) 1165-1173. (Link)
- H. Chen, W. Ji, S. Cassady, A.M. Ferris, R.K. Hanson, S. Deng, Using shock tube species time-histories in Bayesian parameter estimation: Effective independent-data number and target selection, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (2023) 5299-5308. (Link)
- B.C. Koenig, W. Ji, S. Deng, Kinetic subspace investigation using neural network for uncertainty quantification in nonpremixed flamelets, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (2023) 5229-5238. (Link)
- S. Kim, A.A. Johns, J.Z. Wen, S. Deng, Burning structures and propagation mechanisms of nanothermites, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (2023) 3593-3604. (Link)
- S. Wang, H. Jiang, Y. Dong, D. Clarkson, H. Zhu, C.M. Settens, Y. Ren, T. Nguyen, F. Han, W. Fan, S.Y. Kim, J. Zhang, W. Xue, S.K. Sandstrom, G. Xu, E. Tekoglu, M. Li, S. Deng, Q. Liu, S.G. Greenbaum, X. Ji, T. Gao, J. Li, Acid-in-Clay electrolyte for wide-temperature-range and long-cycle proton batteries, Advanced Materials 34 (2022) 2202063. (Link)
- W. Ji, X. Su, B. Pang, Y. Li, Z. Ren, S. Deng, SGD-based optimization in modeling combustion kinetics: Case studies in tuning mechanistic and hybrid kinetic models, Fuel 324 (2022) 124560. (Link)
- J. Zhang, V.L. Muldoon, S. Deng, Accelerated synthesis of Li(Ni0.8Co0.1Mn0.1)O2 cathode materials using flame-assisted spray pyrolysis and additives, Journal of Power Sources 528 (2022) 231244. (Link)
- J. Zhang, Y. Wang, V.L. Muldoon, S. Deng, Crude glycerol and glycerol as fuels and fuel additives in combustion applications, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 159 (2022) 112206. (Link)
- W. Ji, F. Richter, M.J. Gollner, S. Deng, Autonomous kinetic modeling of biomass pyrolysis using chemical reaction neural networks, Combustion and Flame 240 (2022) 111992. (Link)
- W. Ji, J. Zanders, J.-W. Park, S. Deng, Data-driven approaches to learn Hychem models, Proceedings of the ASME International Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference 2021, ICEF2021-67925 (2021). (Link)
- X. Liang, Y. Wang, Y. Chen, S. Deng, Advances in emission regulations and emission control technologies for internal combustion engines, SAE Journal of Sustainable Transportation, Energy, Environment & Policy 2 (2021). (Link)
- W. Ji, W. Qiu, Z. Shi, S. Pan, S. Deng, Stiff-PINN: Physics-Informed Neural Network for stiff chemical kinetics, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 125 (2021) 8098-8106. (Link)
- S. Kim, W. Ji, S. Deng, Y. Ma, C. Rackauckas, Stiff neural ordinary differential equations, Chaos 31, 093122 (2021). (Link)
- H. Zhao, D. Lu, J. Wang, W. Tu, D. Wu, S.W. Koh, P. Gao, Z.J. Xu, S. Deng, Y. Zhou, B. You, H. Li, Raw biomass electroreforming coupled to green hydrogen generation, Nature Communications 12, 2008 (2021). (Link)
- W. Ji, S. Deng, Autonomous discovery of unknown reaction pathways from data by Chemical Reaction Neural Network, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 125 (2021) 1082-1092. (Link)
- Y. Wang, Y. Chen, X. Liang, P. Tan, S. Deng, Impacts of lubricating oil and its formulations on diesel engine particle characteristics, Combustion and Flame 225 (2021) 48-56. (Link)
- S. Ou, X. He, W. Ji, W. Chen, L. Sui, Y. Gan, Z. Lu, Z. Lin, S. Deng, S. Przesmitzki, J. Bouchard, Machine learning model to project the impact of COVID-19 on US motor gasoline demand, Nature Energy (2020). (Link) * Cover page
- W. Ji, T. Zhang, Z. Ren, S. Deng, Dependence of kinetic sensitivity direction in premixed flames, Combustion and Flame 220 (2020) 16-22. (Link)
- Y. Jiang*, S. Deng*, S. Hong*, S. Tiwari, H. Chen, K. Nomura, R.K. Kalia, A. Nakano, P. Vashishta, M.R. Zachariah, X.L. Zheng, Synergistically chemical and thermal coupling between graphene oxide and graphene fluoride for enhancing aluminum combustion, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (2020) 7451-7458. *Equal contribution (Link)
- J. Pan, L. Chen, H. Wei, D. Feng, S. Deng, G. Shu, On autoignition mode under variable thermodynamic state of internal combustion engines, International Journal of Engine Research 21 (2020) 856-865. (Link)
- S. Huang, S. Deng, Y. Jiang, X.L. Zheng, Experimental effective metal oxides to enhance boron combustion, Combustion and Flame 205 (2019) 278-285. (Link)
- S. Huang, M. Pan, S. Deng, Y. Jiang, J. Zhao, B. Levy-Wendt, S.K.Y. Tang, X.L. Zheng, Modified micro-emulsion synthesis of highly dispersed Al/PVDF composites with enhanced combustion properties, Advanced Engineering Materials (2019) 1801330. (Link)
- Y. Jiang*, S. Deng*, S. Hong*, J. Zhao, S. Huang, C.-C. Wu, J.L. Gottfried, K. Nomura, Y. Li, S. Tiwari, R.K. Kalia, P. Vashishta, A. Nakano, X.L. Zheng, Energetic performance of optically activated aluminum/graphene oxide composites, ACS Nano 12 (2018) 11366-11345. *Equal contribution (Link)
- S. Deng*, Y. Jiang*, S. Huang, X. Shi, J. Zhao, X.L. Zheng, Tuning the morphological, ignition and combustion properties of micron-Al/CuO thermites through different synthesis approaches, Combustion and Flame 195 (2018) 303-310. *Equal contribution (Link)
- S. Huang, V.S. Parimi, S. Deng, S. Lingamneni, X.L. Zheng, Facile thermal and optical ignition of silicon nanoparticles and micron particles, Nano Letters 17 (2017) 5925-5930. (Link)
- S. Huang*, S. Deng*, Y. Jiang, J. Zhao, X.L. Zheng, Electroless deposition and ignition properties of Si/Fe2O3 core/shell nanothermites, ACS Omega 2 (2017) 3596-3600. *Equal contribution (Link)
- S. Deng, D. Han, C.K. Law, Ignition and extinction of strained nonpremixed cool flames at elevated pressures, Combustion and Flame 176 (2017) 143-150. (Link)
- S. Deng, M.E. Mueller, Q.N. Chan, N.H. Qamar, B.B. Dally, Z.T. Alwahabi, G.J. Nathan, Hydrodynamic and chemical effects of hydrogen addition on soot evolution in turbulent nonpremixed bluff body ethylene flames, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36 (2017) 807-814. (Link)
- D. Han, S. Deng, W. Liang, P. Zhao, F. Wu, Z. Huang, C.K. Law, Laminar flame propagation and nonpremixed stagnation ignition of toluene and xylenes, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36 (2017) 479-489. (Link)
- S. Deng, P. Zhao, M.E. Mueller, C.K. Law, Flame dynamics in oscillating flows under autoignitive conditions, Combustion and Flame 168 (2016) 75-82. (Link)
- S. Deng, P. Zhao, M.E. Mueller, C.K. Law, Stabilization of laminar nonpremixed DME/air coflow flames at elevated temperatures and pressures, Combustion and Flame 162 (2015) 4471-4478. (Link)
- S. Deng, P. Zhao, M.E. Mueller, C.K. Law, Autoignition-affected stabilization of laminar nonpremixed DME/air coflow flames, Combustion and Flame 162 (2015) 3437-3445. (Link)
- P. Zhao, W. Liang, S. Deng, C.K. Law, Initiation and propagation of laminar premixed cool flames, Fuel 166 (2015) 477-487. (Link)
- S. Deng, J.A. Koch, M.E. Mueller, C.K. Law, Sooting limits of nonpremixed n-heptane, n-butanol, and methyl butanoate flames: Experimental determination and mechanistic analysis, Fuel 136 (2014) 122-129. (Link)
- S. Deng, P. Zhao, D. Zhu, C.K. Law, NTC-affected ignition and low-temperature flames in nonpremixed DME/air counterflow, Combustion and Flame 161 (2014) 1993-1997. (Link)
- Y. Zhang, S. Li, S. Deng, Q. Yao, S.D. Tse, Direct synthesis of nanostructured TiO2 films with controlled morphologies by stagnation swirl flames, Journal of Aerosol Science 44 (2012) 71-82. (Link)
- S. Deng, S. Li, S.D. Tse, J. Wang, Y. Tao, Q. Yao, Experimental studies on TiO2 nanoparticles in a swirl-stabilized stagnation flame, Journal of Engineering Thermophysics 32 (2011) 157-160. (In Chinese)
- J. Wang, Y. Tao, Y. Zhang, S. Deng, S. Li, Q. Yao, Sintering behavior of TiO2 particles in a premixed stagnation flame, Journal of Engineering Thermophysics 32 (2011) 875-878. (In Chinese)
- D. Yun, S. Deng, Q. Song, Q. Yao, Potassium deactivation and regeneration method of V2O5-WO3/TiO2 SCR catalyst", Research of Environmental Sciences 6 (2009) 730-735. (In Chinese)




X. Su, W. Ji, L. Zhang, W. Wu, Z. Ren, S. Deng, Neural differential equations for inverse modeling in model combustors, Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exhibition 2021, IMECE2021-69657 (2021). (Link)