[November 20] DENG celebrated the upcoming Thanksgiving!

[September 28] Part of the group went on an apple-picking tour. Welcome the new graduate students, Hyein and Jakob, and the visiting student, Yaojun, to the group!

[July 21-26] Prof. Deng served as a panelist for "Future of Combustion Research" at the CI's 40th International Symposium-Emphasizing Energy Transition held in Milan, Italy. Ben and Gwen presented two papers for the group, and Nick presented his work prior to joining MIT.

[April 26] Suyong becomes Dr. Kim! It has been a pleasant journey, and we are so happy to share that Dr. Kim will get married next month!

[March 10-13] Prof. Deng received the Irvin Glassman Young Investigator Award and gave the Lecture at the 2024 Eastern States Section of the US Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting held at the University of Georgia, Athens, GA. Linzheng, Suyong, Ben, Huaibo, Gwen, Nick and our UROP students Veloria and Estefano also presented their work at the conference.

[January 25] Prof. Deng has been selected as a Scialog Fellow for Sustainable Minerals, Metals and Materials by Research Corporation for Science Advancement!
[December 14] We celebrate the end of the year by hosting a farewell party for Qiaofeng. He will join the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Zhejiang University as an Assistant Professor!

[November 27-December 1] Prof. Deng gave an invited talk at the 50th MRS Fall Meeting. Suyong, Maanasa, and Jianan also presented their work at the conference.
[November 27] DENG is part of an international team that won the Kavli Exploration Award in Nanoscience for Sustainability! We aim to advance understanding of carbon nanotube synthesis and its potential for producing industrial materials more sustainably. (Link)
[September 28] Congratulations to Chuwei on winning the C3E poster competition! C3E stands for Clean Energy Education and Empowerment Initiative that is led by US Department of Energy, MIT Energy Initiative, Stanford University’s Precourt Institute of Energy, and the Texas A&M Energy Institute.

[September 13] We welcome Dr. Linzheng Wang to join us as a postdoc fellow!
[September 6] As the new semester starts, we welcome new members: Emily, Nick, Zituo, and Tim.
[August 24] It has been great having Edoardo visiting the group, and we wish him all the best for his Ph.D. defense and future endeavor.

[May 26] Congratulations to Huaibo on passing his Ph.D. Qualifying Exams!
[April 6] Great news! Gwen got the NASA Space Technology Graduate Research Opportunities fellowship!
[March 19-22] Suyong, Ben, Maanasa, and Jianan presented at the 13th US National Combustion Meeting in College Station.

[March 6-8] Prof. Deng gave an invited talk at the AI for Energy Conference hosted at KAUST. Edoardo's presentation "CRNN: current state and future improvements" won the Second Prize in the poster competition!

[February 16] Our work on fast synthesis of battery materials has been highlighted in the MITEI's Energy Future and MIT News! (Link)

[February 1] Congratulations to Ben on passing his Ph.D. Qualifying Exams!
[December 20] Happy holidays!

[September 6] Welcome Gwen, Chuwei, and Stefan to DENG!
[September 1] Congratulations to Suyong and Maanasa on winning the MathWorks Mechanical Engineering Fellowship!
[July 24-29] Jianan (missing in the picture), Suyong, Ben, and Huaibo have been invited to present at the 39th International Symposium on Combustion in Vancouver.

[July 20] Congratulations to Dr. Yuesen Wang on the new position at Exponent! We thank Yuesen's dedication to the group and wish him all the best!

[May 20] Congratulations to our very dear Valerie on finishing her master's thesis! She will also be the first graduate from the group. All the best, Valerie! We are also very excited to welcome Dr. Qiaofeng Li joining the group!

[March 6-9] We presented seven papers at the Spring Technical Meeting of the Eastern State Section of the Combustion Institute in Orlando, Florida. Great to have a conference in-person!

[January 28] Prof. Deng won the NSF CAREER Award!
[January 24-28] Suyong presented at the ETHOS Meeting. The annual ETHOS conference unites the cookstoves and clean cooking community by bringing together lab and field based scientific knowledge that fosters collaborations, elevates scientific rigor, and disseminates knowledge to manufacturers and designers, leading to development and greater adoption of cleaner stoves. Check out his presentation here! (Link)
[December 16] Congratulations to Weiqi who will join Bosch as a Research Engineer next month! It has been a pleasure working with you!

[November 23] A family gathering to celebrate Thanksgiving!

[October 31] Happy Halloween! The DENG and family & Friends went to an orchard for apple-picking, annimal-seeing, and corn maze. Well, we forgot to take a group photo with everyone... Next time!

[October 29] Valerie presented her work on solid-state electrotyle synthesized with flame spray pyrolysis at MIT Energy Night. Some 400 people attended the in-person poster session while an additional 400 people attended virtually from around the world. Good job, Valerie!

[October 16] Prof. John Wen from University of Waterloo will be visiting the group for the next year. We look forward to the collaborations with him!
[September 21-24] Prof. Deng presented at the Frontier of Engineering Symposium hosted by National Academy of Engineering.
[September 14] As MIT's in-person new semester started, DENG had our first in-person group meeting. It is so good to finally get together!

[September 8] Welcome Huaibo Chen to DENG as a graduate student!
[May 24-26] Weiqi Ji, Jianan Zhang, and Valerie Muldoon presented their research at the 12th US National Combustion Meeting. Check out their presentations on our YouTube Channel! (Link)
[May 21] Ben Koenig receives the Carl G. Sontheimer Prize from MechE! Congratulations Ben for your accomplishment at MIT as an undergrad. We look forward to seeing your continued growth and success in grad school!
[May 13] Ben Koenig presents at the SuperUROP Virtual Spring Showcase for his work on low-cost acetone sensors for health monitoring. See this video on our YouTube channel! (Link)
[March 23] Great news! Valerie Muldoon got Honorable Mention for the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program. Ben Koenig, who is performing a SuperUROP and undergraduate thesis with DENG, got this fellowship and will join DENG as a graduate student in the summer. Congratulations, Valerie and Ben!
[March 11] We created a channel on YouTube to post videos on our research. Please subscribe! (Link)
[January 27] Congratulations to Maanasa on passing her Ph.D. Qualifying Exams!
[January 1] Welcome Dr. Yuesen Wang to DENG as a postdoctoral associate!
[October 3] Prof. Deng gave a presentation "Combustion + X: Attempts, Challenges, and Opportunities" at the Combustion Webinar. The video is available on YouTube. (Link)
[September 15] Welcome Dr. Jianan Zhang to DENG as a postdoctoral associate!
[September 1] Welcome Valerie Muldoon to DENG! Cannot wait for the exciting Fall semester!
[July 17] Our collaborated work on "Machine learning model to project the impact of COVID-19 on U.S. motor gasoline demand" is published in Nature Energy! We are also sharing the source code and updating the data online to enable further investigations. (Link)
[July 13] Prof. Deng speaks at the MIT ILP Regional Meeting on next generation of combustion technology. (Link)
[July 3] Congratulations to Weiqi on his paper "Dependence of kinetic sensitivity direction in premixed flames" published in Combustion and Flame!
[June 19] We celebrate Juneteenth together with our summer students who join DENG for UROP and MSRP! The members of DENG have different nationalities, genders, races, and backgrounds, and yet, we share the same enthusiasm in science and technology and hope to shape the future of energy and environment. That is what brought us together, and we look forward to working together to support diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEM!

[May 22] With so many uncertainties going on due to the pandemic, the group members of DENG have been cheerful and hopeful. We celebrate the end of the semester and get ready for a productive summer!

[May 5] We have developed the ReacTorch package for differentiable reacting flow simulations. Please check the Software section for further information.
[February 10-11] Prof. Deng and Weiqi attended the NSF Workshop on Exuberance of Machine Learning in Transport Phenomena in Dallas, TX. Weiqi gave a wonderful talk highlighting our ongoing work on the autonomous discovery of chemical pathways.

[January 29] Congratulations to Suyong on passing his Ph.D. Qualifying Exams!
[January 27] Prof. Deng is featured in MIT News highlighting her work on understanding combustion chemistry and developing clean technologies. (Link)

[December 24] Happy holidays! We celebrate the end of the semester and look forward to another exciting and productive year!

[December 1-5] Prof. Deng organized the Symposium on Advances in the Fundamental Understanding and Functionalization of Reactive Materials at the 2019 MRS Fall Meeting in Boston. Suyong served as a Symposium Assistant.
[September 1] Welcome Dr. Weiqi Ji and Ms. Maanasa Bhat join DENG!
[August 27] Welcome new members to DENG! We kick off the new semester with a group lunch!

[January 1] Prof. Deng officially starts at MIT and is appointed to d'Arbeloff Career Development Chair!
[September 22] DENG website is under construction and will eventually migrate to deng.mit.edu. Please stay tuned!